Ladd Hoffman ladd
  • Joined on 2023-07-23
ladd created branch main in DGF/cspr-validation-pool 2024-02-20 11:57:43 -06:00
ladd pushed to main at DGF/cspr-validation-pool 2024-02-20 11:57:43 -06:00
b91272c7ef first commit
ladd created repository DGF/cspr-validation-pool 2024-02-20 11:56:23 -06:00
ladd created branch dev in ladd/forum-logic 2023-12-30 16:32:27 -06:00
ladd pushed to dev at ladd/forum-logic 2023-12-30 16:32:27 -06:00
7388a15cff Improvements to graph rendering
4026d7eaa8 Draw arrowhead and equalize distances
2195f5ea56 Force-directed graph is working
ec3401845d Further WIP
Compare 5 commits »
ladd created branch main in ladd/forum-logic 2023-12-30 16:32:10 -06:00
ladd pushed to main at ladd/forum-logic 2023-12-30 16:32:10 -06:00
8a23ee63d6 Rename back to DAO
629274476c Add tracking to home page
d210cc9c1f Add tracking
cf3c0372aa Add basic WDG editor tool page
8fdde5aeb4 Allow editing graph name
Compare 10 commits »
ladd created repository ladd/forum-logic 2023-12-30 16:30:10 -06:00
ladd closed issue DGF/infrastructure#1 2023-11-29 15:10:05 -06:00
ladd commented on issue DGF/dgf-xprize#33 2023-10-31 15:43:10 -05:00
Donation Contract
participant A as Member /<br>Donor /<br>Worker
participant P as Post
participant C as Donation<br>Contract
participant V as Validation<br>Pool

ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#33 2023-10-31 15:40:01 -05:00
Donation Contract
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#32 2023-10-31 15:39:19 -05:00
Donation: As a member I can vote to approve given work evidence for a given proposal
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#31 2023-10-31 15:38:46 -05:00
Donation: As a worker I can submit work evidence to a given proposal
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#30 2023-10-31 15:37:33 -05:00
Donation: As a User I can vote to approve a donation to a given proposal
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#29 2023-10-31 15:37:01 -05:00
Donation: As a donor I can submit a donation to a given proposal
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#28 2023-10-31 15:36:34 -05:00
Donation: As a user I can stake ChatREP for/against a proposal
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#27 2023-10-31 15:35:32 -05:00
Donation: As a user I can view a list of proposals
ladd opened issue DGF/dgf-xprize#26 2023-10-31 15:34:36 -05:00
Donation: As a user I can submit a proposal
ladd commented on issue DGF/dgf-xprize#3 2023-10-17 13:46:02 -05:00
Chat: As a user I can mint and donate ChatREP to a given post

Regarding the vulnerability -- yes, this will lead to a very unstable situation with ChatREP, and measures will need to be taken to improve security. However, I think this is an appropriate…

ladd commented on issue DGF/dgf-xprize#3 2023-10-17 13:39:51 -05:00
Chat: As a user I can mint and donate ChatREP to a given post
flowchart LR
A --> B