Work: As a customer I can submit a request for work, with a fee
Governance: As a user I can submit content to be advertised to the public
Work: As a user I can submit a work stream definition
Review: As a user I can stake ChatREP for/against a review
When the review VP concludes, RREP is minted and awarded to the reviewer, and CREP may be awarded to the winning chat voters.
Review: As a user I can stake ChatREP for/against a review
Review: As a user I can stake ChatREP to submit a review of a given post
This requires a validation pool to mint review rep.
Review: As a user can submit a review, staking ChatREP
Chat: As a user I can mint and donate ChatREP to a given post
Other users can donate chat rep to a post, for free -- no stake required
Work Bootstrap: A governance proposal can mint WREP
Governance: As a GREP holder I can submit a proposal to change minting ratios
Governance: Initial parameter values for minting ratios and token distribution ratios
As a ReviewREP holder I can request a review
As a ChatREP holder I can request a Review
As a user I can earn ChatREP for my posts