import Debug from "debug"; import express from "express"; import {readdirSync, readFileSync, watch} from "fs"; import path, {join} from "path"; import {Converter} from "showdown"; import {Collection} from "./collection"; import {HTTP_API_ADDR, HTTP_API_PORT} from "./config"; import {deltasAccepted} from "./deltas"; import {peers} from "./peers"; import {Delta} from "./types"; const debug = Debug('http-api'); type CollectionsToServe = { [key: string]: Collection; }; const docConverter = new Converter({ simpleLineBreaks: true, completeHTMLDocument: true }); const htmlDocFromMarkdown = (md: string): string => docConverter.makeHtml(md); type mdFileInfo = { name: string, md: string, html: string }; class MDFiles { files = new Map(); readme?: mdFileInfo; readFile(name: string) { const md = readFileSync(join('./markdown', `${name}.md`)).toString(); const html = htmlDocFromMarkdown(md); this.files.set(name, {name, md, html}); } readReadme() { const md = readFileSync('./').toString(); const html = htmlDocFromMarkdown(md); this.readme = {name: 'README', md, html}; } getReadmeHTML() { return this.readme?.html; } getHtml(name: string): string | undefined { return this.files.get(name)?.html; } list(): string[] { return Array.from(this.files.keys()); } readDir() { // Read list of markdown files from directory and // render each markdown file as html readdirSync('./markdown/') .filter((f) => f.endsWith('.md')) .map((name) => path.parse(name).name) .forEach((name) => this.readFile(name)); } watchDir() { watch('./markdown', null, (eventType, filename) => { if (!filename) return; if (!filename.endsWith(".md")) return; const name = path.parse(filename).name; switch (eventType) { case 'rename': { debug(`file ${name} renamed`); // Remove it from memory and re-scan everything this.files.delete(name); this.readDir(); break; } case 'change': { debug(`file ${name} changed`); // Re-read this file this.readFile(name) break; } } }); } watchReadme() { watch('./', null, (eventType, filename) => { if (!filename) return; switch (eventType) { case 'change': { debug(`README file changed`); // Re-read this file this.readReadme() break; } } }); } } export function runHttpApi(collections?: CollectionsToServe) { const app = express(); app.use(express.json()); // Get list of markdown files const mdFiles = new MDFiles(); mdFiles.readDir(); mdFiles.readReadme(); mdFiles.watchDir(); mdFiles.watchReadme(); // Serve README app.get('/html/README', (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { const html = mdFiles.getReadmeHTML(); res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html').send(html); }); // Serve markdown files as html app.get('/html/:name', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { let html = mdFiles.getHtml(; if (!html) { res.status(404); html = htmlDocFromMarkdown('# 404\n\n## [Index](/html)'); } res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html'); res.send(html); }); // Serve index { let md = `# Files\n\n`; md += `[README](/html/README)\n\n`; for (const name of mdFiles.list()) { md += `- [${name}](./${name})\n`; } const html = htmlDocFromMarkdown(md); app.get('/html', (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html').send(html); }); } // Set up API routes if (collections) { for (const [name, collection] of Object.entries(collections)) { debug(`collection: ${name}`); // Get the ID of all domain entities app.get(`/${name}/ids`, (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { res.json({ids: collection.getIds()}); }); // Add a new domain entity // TODO: schema validation app.put(`/${name}`, (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { const {body: properties} = req; const ent = collection.put(undefined, properties); res.json(ent); }); // Update a domain entity app.put(`/${name}/:id`, (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { const {body: properties, params: {id}} = req; if ( && !== id) { res.status(400).json({error: "ID Mismatch", param: id, property:}); return; } const ent = collection.put(id, properties); res.json(ent); }); } } app.get("/deltas", (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // TODO: streaming res.json(deltasAccepted); }); // Get the number of deltas ingested by this node app.get("/deltas/count", (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { res.json(deltasAccepted.length); }); // Get the list of peers seen by this node (including itself) app.get("/peers", (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { res.json({reqAddr, publishAddr, isSelf, isSeedPeer}) => { const deltasAcceptedCount = deltasAccepted .filter((delta: Delta) => { return delta.receivedFrom?.addr == reqAddr.addr && delta.receivedFrom?.port == reqAddr.port; }) .length; const peerInfo = { reqAddr: reqAddr.toAddrString(), publishAddr: publishAddr?.toAddrString(), isSelf, isSeedPeer, deltaCount: { accepted: deltasAcceptedCount } }; return peerInfo; })); }); // Get the number of peers seen by this node (including itself) app.get("/peers/count", (_req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { res.json(peers.length); }); app.listen(HTTP_API_PORT, HTTP_API_ADDR, () => { debug(`HTTP API bound to http://${HTTP_API_ADDR}:${HTTP_API_PORT}`); }); }