# DGF Prototype Decentralized Governance Framework ## Project Architecture | directory | description | | --------- | ----------- | | ethereum | Solidity smart contracts and associated deploy scripts | | backend | Node.js application with an HTTP API that also functions as a Matrix bot and Ethereum client | | frontend | React.js frontend with a WebApp route and a Matrix Widget route | ### Data Flow Diagram ```mermaid flowchart TD Blockchain <-- ethers --> API Blockchain <-- Web3
+ MetaMask --> WebApp Blockchain <-- Web3
+ MetaMask --> Widget WebApp <-- HTTPS --> API Widget <-- HTTPS --> API Widget <-- matrix-widget-api --> Matrix API <-- matrix-bot-sdk --> Matrix ``` ## Rollup Instead of calling `DAO.initiateValidationPool()`, a contract can call `Rollup.addItem()`. We demonstrate this by extending our base `Work` contract as `RollableWork`. Our work contract normally triggeres a validation pool when the customer submits work approval. Instead, the fee and worker availability stakes are transferred to the `Rollup` contract. The `Rollup` contract itself uses the `Availability` contract to assign a batch worker. This worker is responsible for making sure off-chain pools are conducted. When ready, the worker submits the current batch on-chain by calling `DAO.addPost()` to create a batch post and then calling `Rollup.submitBatch()`, which initiates a validation pool targeting the batch post. ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant client as Staking client participant matrix as Matrix room box Blockchain participant worker as Worker participant customer as Customer participant work as Work contract participant rollup as Rollup contract participant vp as Validation pool participant forum as Forum end worker ->> work : Availability stake
(REP) activate worker activate work customer ->> work : Request work
(fee) activate customer worker ->> work : Submit work evidence
(postId) deactivate worker customer ->> work : Submit work approval deactivate customer work ->> rollup : Add item
(fee, REP, postId) activate rollup deactivate work rollup ->> client : Event: BatchItemAdded activate client client ->> matrix : io.dgov.pool.start
(postId) activate matrix matrix -->> client : client ->> matrix : io.dgov.pool.stake
(postId, REP, inFavor) matrix -->> client : client ->> matrix : io.dgov.pool.result
(postId, votePasses, quorumMet) matrix -->> client : note right of matrix : All staking clients
record each other's stakes client ->> forum : Add post
(batchPostId) activate forum client ->> rollup : Submit batch
(batchPostId) client ->> matrix : io.dgov.rollup.submit matrix -->> client : deactivate matrix rollup ->> vp : Initiate validation pool
(fee, REP, batchPostId) activate vp note right of vp : Mints REP in
proportion to fee deactivate rollup vp ->> client : Event: ValidationPoolInitiated note right of client : Each staking client
verifies the rollup post client ->> vp : Stake for/against client ->> vp : Evaluate outcome vp ->> client : REP rewards for policin deactivate client vp ->> forum : Minted REP deactivate vp forum ->> worker : REP rewards for batch post authors deactivate forum ``` ## Local development setup Clone this repository to a directory on your machine git clone https://gitea.dgov.io/DGF/dgf-prototype ### Nginx 1. Install nginx brew install nginx 1. Install mkcert brew install mkcert 1. Install root CA mkcert -install 1. Create a certificate mkcert dgfprototype.dev 1. Create certificates directory sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/certs 1. Move the certificate to the certificates directory sudo mv dgfprototype.*.pem /etc/nginx/certs/ 1. Add the following to the `http` section of `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } 1. Add the following to a new file `/etc/nginx/sites-available/dgfprototype_dev` server { listen 443 ssl; server_name dgfprototype.dev; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/dgfprototype.dev.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/dgfprototype.dev-key.pem; location /api/ { proxy_pass; } location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; proxy_set_header Host $host; } } 1. Create a symbolic link in `sites-enabled/` sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dgfprototype_dev /etc/nginx/sites-enabled 1. Restart nginx sudo systemctl restart nginx or sudo brew services restart nginx 1. Edit `/etc/hosts` to add the domain alias dgfprototype.dev ### API 1. In a new terminal window, navigate to `dgf-prototype/backend` 1. Install the project npm install 1. Copy the example configuration file cp .env.example .env 1. Edit `.env` and set the following values PORT=3003 1. Create the data directory mkdir data 1. Run the daemon node src/index.js ### Hardhat 1. In a new terminal window, navigate to `dgf-prototype/ethereum` 1. Install the project npm install 1. Copy the example configuration file cp .env.example .env 1. In `.env`, set a value for `SEED_PHRASE` or `LOCAL_PRIVATE_KEY` 1. Run a hardhat node npx hardhat node 1. In a separate terminal window, navigate again to `dgf-prototype/ethereum` 1. Build and deploy the contracts npm run deploy-local ### Metamask 1. Install the Metamask extension in your browser 1. In the Metamask extension, click the list of networks in the top left, and click "Add Network" 1. At the bottom of the list of popular networks, click "Add a network manually" - Network name: Hardhat local - RPC URL: - Chain ID: 1337 - Currency symbol: ETH ### Frontend 1. In a new terminal window, navigate to `dgf-prototype/frontend` 1. Install the project npm install 1. Install `vite` npm i -g vite 1. Run the development server vite dev 1. Now you should be able to open the site at https://dgfprototype.dev ## To run automatic staking 1. Clone this repository to a directory on your machine git clone https://gitea.dgov.io/DGF/dgf-prototype 1. Change to the `ethereum` directory cd ethereum 1. Install the project using `npm` npm install 1. Copy the example configuration file cp .env.example .env 1. Export your Sepolia private key from MetaMask and add it to your `.env` file SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY="YOURKEY" 1. Run the automatic staking script npm run automatic-staking-sepolia