const {
} = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { ethers } = require('hardhat');

describe('DAO', () => {
  // We define a fixture to reuse the same setup in every test.
  // We use loadFixture to run this setup once, snapshot that state,
  // and reset Hardhat Network to that snapshot in every test.
  async function deployDAO() {
    // Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
    const [account1, account2] = await ethers.getSigners();

    const DAO = await ethers.getContractFactory('DAO');
    const dao = await DAO.deploy();

    return { dao, account1, account2 };

  describe('Validation Pool', () => {
    it('Should deploy', async () => {
      const { dao } = await loadFixture(deployDAO);
      expect(await dao.totalValue()).to.equal(0);

    describe('Initiate validation pool', () => {
      it('Should initiate', async () => {
        const POOL_DURATION = 3600; // 1 hour
        const { dao, account1 } = await loadFixture(deployDAO);
        const init = () => dao.initiateValidationPool(account1, POOL_DURATION);
        await expect(init()).to.emit(dao, 'ValidationPoolInitiated').withArgs(0);
        const pool = await dao.validationPools(0);