work contract flow

This commit is contained in:
Ladd Hoffman 2024-03-11 14:19:39 -05:00
parent 71a1d3b529
commit ff25ff3382
2 changed files with 71 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ contract Work1 is IAcceptAvailability {
uint constant POOL_DURATION = 1 days;
event WorkAssigned(address worker, uint requestIndex);
event WorkEvidenceSubmitted(uint requestIndex);
constructor(DAO dao_, uint price_) {
dao = dao_;
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ contract Work1 is IAcceptAvailability {
if (block.timestamp > stakes[i].endTime) continue;
totalStakes += stakes[i].amount;
require(totalStakes > 0, "No available worker stakes");
uint select = block.prevrandao % totalStakes;
uint acc;
for (uint i = 0; i < stakeCount; i++) {
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ contract Work1 is IAcceptAvailability {
acc += stakes[i].amount;
if (acc > select) return i;
revert("Failed to select worker");
revert("Failed to assign worker"); // Should never get here
/// Assign a random available worker
@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ contract Work1 is IAcceptAvailability {
AvailabilityStake storage stake = stakes[request.stakeIndex];
require(stake.worker == msg.sender);
request.status = WorkStatus.EvidenceSubmitted;
emit WorkEvidenceSubmitted(requestIndex);
/// Accept work approval/disapproval from customer
@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ contract Work1 is IAcceptAvailability {
request.status = WorkStatus.ApprovalSubmitted;
request.approval = approval;
// Initiate validation pool
request.poolIndex = dao.initiateValidationPool(
request.poolIndex = dao.initiateValidationPool{value: request.fee}(

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@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
const {
// setPrevRandao,
} = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
describe('Work1', () => {
const WORK1_PRICE = 100;
const STAKE_DURATION = 60;
const STAKE_AMOUNT = 50;
async function deploy() {
// Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
const [account1, account2] = await ethers.getSigners();
@ -36,13 +39,71 @@ describe('Work1', () => {
it('Should be able to receive availability stake', async () => {
const { dao, work1, account1 } = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, 50, 60);
expect(await dao.balanceOf(account1)).to.equal(50);
expect(await dao.balanceOf(;
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION);
expect(await dao.balanceOf(account1)).to.equal(STAKE_AMOUNT);
expect(await dao.balanceOf(;
expect(await work1.stakeCount()).to.equal(1);
const stake = await work1.stakes(0);
expect(stake.endTime).to.equal(await time.latest() + 60);
expect(stake.endTime).to.equal(await time.latest() + STAKE_DURATION);
it('should be able to request work and assign to a worker', async () => {
const {
dao, work1, account1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION, { from: account1 });
const requestWork = () => work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await expect(requestWork()).to.emit(work1, 'WorkAssigned').withArgs(account1, 0);
expect(await work1.requestCount()).to.equal(1);
const request = await work1.requests(0);
it('should not be able to request work if there are no availability stakes', async () => {
const {
work1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
const requestWork = () => work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await expect(requestWork())'No available worker stakes');
it('should not assign work to an expired availability stake', async () => {
const {
dao, work1, account1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION, { from: account1 });
const requestWork = () => work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await time.increase(61);
await expect(requestWork())'No available worker stakes');
it('should not assign work to the same availability stake twice', async () => {
const {
dao, work1, account1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION, { from: account1 });
const requestWork = () => work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await expect(requestWork()).to.emit(work1, 'WorkAssigned').withArgs(account1, 0);
await expect(requestWork())'No available worker stakes');
it('should be able to submit work evidence', async () => {
const {
dao, work1, account1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION, { from: account1 });
await work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await expect(work1.submitWorkEvidence(0)).to.emit(work1, 'WorkEvidenceSubmitted').withArgs(0);
it('should be able to submit work approval', async () => {
const {
dao, work1, account1, account2,
} = await loadFixture(deploy);
await dao.stakeAvailability(, STAKE_AMOUNT, STAKE_DURATION, { from: account1 });
await work1.connect(account2).requestWork({ value: WORK1_PRICE });
await work1.submitWorkEvidence(0);
await expect(work1.submitWorkApproval(0, true)).to.emit(dao, 'ValidationPoolInitiated').withArgs(1);