refactor of dao core
Gitea Actions Demo / Explore-Gitea-Actions (push) Failing after 39s Details

This commit is contained in:
Ladd Hoffman 2024-04-09 05:33:04 -05:00
parent 5cb4cf93d0
commit 54d4fbc6cc
10 changed files with 312 additions and 288 deletions

View File

@ -2,295 +2,17 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "./IAcceptAvailability.sol";
import "./IOnValidate.sol";
import "./core/Reputation.sol";
import "./core/ValidationPools.sol";
import "./core/Forum.sol";
import "./interfaces/IAcceptAvailability.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
struct Post {
uint id;
address sender;
address author;
string contentId;
struct Stake {
uint id;
bool inFavor;
uint256 amount;
address sender;
bool fromMint;
struct ValidationPoolParams {
uint duration;
uint[2] quorum; // [ Numerator, Denominator ]
uint[2] winRatio; // [ Numerator, Denominator ]
uint bindingPercent;
bool redistributeLosingStakes;
struct ValidationPool {
uint id;
uint postIndex;
address sender;
mapping(uint => Stake) stakes;
uint stakeCount;
ValidationPoolParams params;
uint256 fee;
uint endTime;
bool resolved;
bool outcome;
bool callbackOnValidate;
bytes callbackData;
/// This contract must manage validation pools and reputation,
/// because otherwise there's no way to enforce appropriate permissions on
/// transfer of value between reputation NFTs.
contract DAO is ERC20("Reputation", "REP") {
mapping(uint => address) public members;
uint public memberCount;
mapping(address => bool) public isMember;
mapping(uint => ValidationPool) public validationPools;
uint public validationPoolCount;
mapping(uint => Post) public posts;
uint public postCount;
// TODO: possible parameter for minting ratio
// TODO: possible parameter for stakeForAuthor
// TODO: Add forum parameters
uint constant minDuration = 1; // 1 second
uint constant maxDuration = 365_000_000 days; // 1 million years
uint[2] minQuorum = [1, 10];
event PostAdded(uint postIndex);
event ValidationPoolInitiated(uint poolIndex);
event ValidationPoolResolved(
uint poolIndex,
bool votePasses,
bool quorumMet
function decimals() public pure override returns (uint8) {
return 9;
function addPost(
address author,
string calldata contentId
) external returns (uint postIndex) {
postIndex = postCount++;
Post storage post = posts[postIndex]; = author;
post.sender = msg.sender; = postIndex;
post.contentId = contentId;
emit PostAdded(postIndex);
/// Accept fee to initiate a validation pool
/// TODO: Handle multiple authors
function initiateValidationPool(
uint postIndex,
uint duration,
uint[2] calldata quorum, // [Numerator, Denominator]
uint[2] calldata winRatio, // [Numerator, Denominator]
uint bindingPercent,
bool redistributeLosingStakes,
bool callbackOnValidate,
bytes calldata callbackData
) external payable returns (uint poolIndex) {
require(msg.value > 0, "Fee is required to initiate validation pool");
require(duration >= minDuration, "Duration is too short");
require(duration <= maxDuration, "Duration is too long");
minQuorum[1] * quorum[0] >= minQuorum[0] * quorum[1],
"Quorum is below minimum"
require(quorum[0] <= quorum[1], "Quorum is greater than one");
require(winRatio[0] <= winRatio[1], "Win ratio is greater than one");
require(bindingPercent <= 100, "Binding percent must be <= 100");
Post storage post = posts[postIndex];
require( != address(0), "Target post not found");
poolIndex = validationPoolCount++;
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
pool.sender = msg.sender;
pool.postIndex = postIndex;
pool.fee = msg.value;
pool.params.quorum = quorum;
pool.params.winRatio = winRatio;
pool.params.bindingPercent = bindingPercent;
pool.params.redistributeLosingStakes = redistributeLosingStakes;
pool.params.duration = duration;
pool.endTime = block.timestamp + duration; = poolIndex;
pool.callbackOnValidate = callbackOnValidate;
pool.callbackData = callbackData;
// We use our privilege as the DAO contract to mint reputation in proportion with the fee.
// Here we assume a minting ratio of 1
// TODO: Make minting ratio an adjustable parameter
_mint(, msg.value);
// Here we assume a stakeForAuthor ratio of 0.5
// TODO: Make stakeForAuthor an adjustable parameter
_stake(pool,, msg.value / 2, true, true);
_stake(pool,, msg.value / 2, false, true);
emit ValidationPoolInitiated(poolIndex);
/// Internal function to register a stake for/against a validation pool
function _stake(
ValidationPool storage pool,
address sender,
uint256 amount,
bool inFavor,
bool fromMint
) internal {
require(block.timestamp <= pool.endTime, "Pool end time has passed");
_update(sender, address(this), amount);
uint stakeIndex = pool.stakeCount++;
Stake storage s = pool.stakes[stakeIndex];
s.sender = sender;
s.inFavor = inFavor;
s.amount = amount; = stakeIndex;
s.fromMint = fromMint;
/// Accept reputation stakes toward a validation pool
function stake(uint poolIndex, uint256 amount, bool inFavor) public {
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
_stake(pool, msg.sender, amount, inFavor, false);
/// Evaluate outcome of a validation pool
function evaluateOutcome(uint poolIndex) public returns (bool votePasses) {
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
Post storage post = posts[pool.postIndex];
require(pool.resolved == false, "Pool is already resolved");
uint256 stakedFor;
uint256 stakedAgainst;
Stake storage s;
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
if (s.inFavor) {
stakedFor += s.amount;
} else {
stakedAgainst += s.amount;
// Special case for early evaluation if dao.totalSupply has been staked
block.timestamp > pool.endTime ||
stakedFor + stakedAgainst == totalSupply(),
"Pool end time has not yet arrived"
// Check that quorum is met
if (
pool.params.quorum[1] * (stakedFor + stakedAgainst) <=
totalSupply() * pool.params.quorum[0]
) {
// Refund fee
// TODO: this could be made available for the sender to withdraw
// payable(pool.sender).transfer(pool.fee);
// Refund stakes
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
_update(address(this), s.sender, s.amount);
pool.resolved = true;
emit ValidationPoolResolved(poolIndex, false, false);
// Callback if requested
if (pool.callbackOnValidate) {
return false;
// A tie is resolved in favor of the validation pool.
// This is especially important so that the DAO's first pool can pass,
// when no reputation has yet been minted.
votePasses =
stakedFor * pool.params.winRatio[1] >=
(stakedFor + stakedAgainst) * pool.params.winRatio[0];
if (votePasses && !isMember[]) {
members[memberCount++] =;
isMember[] = true;
pool.resolved = true;
pool.outcome = votePasses;
emit ValidationPoolResolved(poolIndex, votePasses, true);
// Value of losing stakes should be distributed among winners, in proportion to their stakes
uint256 amountFromWinners = votePasses ? stakedFor : stakedAgainst;
uint256 amountFromLosers = votePasses ? stakedAgainst : stakedFor;
// Only bindingPercent % should be redistributed
// Stake senders should get (100-bindingPercent) % back
uint256 totalAllocated;
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
uint bindingPercent = s.fromMint ? 100 : pool.params.bindingPercent;
if (votePasses == s.inFavor) {
// Winning stake
// If this stake is from the minted fee, always redistribute it to the winners
bool redistributeLosingStakes = s.fromMint ||
uint reward = redistributeLosingStakes
? ((s.amount * amountFromLosers) / amountFromWinners) *
(bindingPercent / 100)
: 0;
_update(address(this), s.sender, s.amount + reward);
totalAllocated += reward;
} else {
// Losing stake
// If this stake is from the minted fee, don't burn it
if (!s.fromMint) {
uint refund = (s.amount * (100 - bindingPercent)) / 100;
if (refund > 0) {
_update(address(this), s.sender, refund);
if (!pool.params.redistributeLosingStakes) {
uint amountToBurn = (s.amount *
pool.params.bindingPercent) / 100;
_burn(address(this), amountToBurn);
totalAllocated += amountToBurn;
totalAllocated += refund;
// Due to rounding, there may be some REP left over. Include this as a reward to the author.
uint256 remainder = amountFromLosers - totalAllocated;
if (remainder > 0) {
_update(address(this),, remainder);
// Distribute fee proportionatly among all reputation holders
for (uint i = 0; i < memberCount; i++) {
address member = members[i];
uint256 share = (pool.fee * balanceOf(member)) / totalSupply();
// TODO: For efficiency this could be modified to hold the funds for recipients to withdraw
// TODO: Exclude encumbered reputation from totalSupply
// Callback if requested
if (pool.callbackOnValidate) {
contract DAO is Reputation, Forum, ValidationPools {
/// Transfer REP to a contract, and call that contract's receiveTransfer method
function stakeAvailability(
address to,

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import "./DAO.sol";
import "./WorkContract.sol";
import "./IOnValidate.sol";
import "./interfaces/IOnValidate.sol";
contract Onboarding is WorkContract, IOnValidate {

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import "./DAO.sol";
import "./IOnValidate.sol";
import "./IOnProposalAccepted.sol";
import "./interfaces/IOnValidate.sol";
import "./interfaces/IOnProposalAccepted.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import "./DAO.sol";
import "./IAcceptAvailability.sol";
import "./Proposals.sol";
import "./IOnProposalAccepted.sol";
import "./interfaces/IAcceptAvailability.sol";
import "./interfaces/IOnProposalAccepted.sol";
abstract contract WorkContract is

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
struct Post {
uint id;
address sender;
address author;
string contentId;
contract Forum {
mapping(uint => Post) public posts;
uint public postCount;
event PostAdded(uint postIndex);
function addPost(
address author,
string calldata contentId
) external returns (uint postIndex) {
postIndex = postCount++;
Post storage post = posts[postIndex]; = author;
post.sender = msg.sender; = postIndex;
post.contentId = contentId;
emit PostAdded(postIndex);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract Reputation is ERC20("Reputation", "REP") {
function decimals() public pure override returns (uint8) {
return 9;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import "./Reputation.sol";
import "./Forum.sol";
import "../interfaces/IOnValidate.sol";
struct Stake {
uint id;
bool inFavor;
uint256 amount;
address sender;
bool fromMint;
struct ValidationPoolParams {
uint duration;
uint[2] quorum; // [ Numerator, Denominator ]
uint[2] winRatio; // [ Numerator, Denominator ]
uint bindingPercent;
bool redistributeLosingStakes;
struct ValidationPool {
uint id;
uint postIndex;
address sender;
mapping(uint => Stake) stakes;
uint stakeCount;
ValidationPoolParams params;
uint256 fee;
uint endTime;
bool resolved;
bool outcome;
bool callbackOnValidate;
bytes callbackData;
contract ValidationPools is Reputation, Forum {
mapping(uint => ValidationPool) public validationPools;
uint public validationPoolCount;
mapping(uint => address) public members;
uint public memberCount;
mapping(address => bool) public isMember;
// TODO: possible parameter for minting ratio
// TODO: possible parameter for stakeForAuthor
uint constant minDuration = 1; // 1 second
uint constant maxDuration = 365_000_000 days; // 1 million years
uint[2] minQuorum = [1, 10];
event ValidationPoolInitiated(uint poolIndex);
event ValidationPoolResolved(
uint poolIndex,
bool votePasses,
bool quorumMet
// TODO: Add forum parameters
/// Internal function to register a stake for/against a validation pool
function _stake(
ValidationPool storage pool,
address sender,
uint256 amount,
bool inFavor,
bool fromMint
) internal {
require(block.timestamp <= pool.endTime, "Pool end time has passed");
_update(sender, address(this), amount);
uint stakeIndex = pool.stakeCount++;
Stake storage s = pool.stakes[stakeIndex];
s.sender = sender;
s.inFavor = inFavor;
s.amount = amount; = stakeIndex;
s.fromMint = fromMint;
/// Accept reputation stakes toward a validation pool
function stake(uint poolIndex, uint256 amount, bool inFavor) public {
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
_stake(pool, msg.sender, amount, inFavor, false);
/// Accept fee to initiate a validation pool
/// TODO: Handle multiple authors
function initiateValidationPool(
uint postIndex,
uint duration,
uint[2] calldata quorum, // [Numerator, Denominator]
uint[2] calldata winRatio, // [Numerator, Denominator]
uint bindingPercent,
bool redistributeLosingStakes,
bool callbackOnValidate,
bytes calldata callbackData
) external payable returns (uint poolIndex) {
require(msg.value > 0, "Fee is required to initiate validation pool");
require(duration >= minDuration, "Duration is too short");
require(duration <= maxDuration, "Duration is too long");
minQuorum[1] * quorum[0] >= minQuorum[0] * quorum[1],
"Quorum is below minimum"
require(quorum[0] <= quorum[1], "Quorum is greater than one");
require(winRatio[0] <= winRatio[1], "Win ratio is greater than one");
require(bindingPercent <= 100, "Binding percent must be <= 100");
Post storage post = posts[postIndex];
require( != address(0), "Target post not found");
poolIndex = validationPoolCount++;
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
pool.sender = msg.sender;
pool.postIndex = postIndex;
pool.fee = msg.value;
pool.params.quorum = quorum;
pool.params.winRatio = winRatio;
pool.params.bindingPercent = bindingPercent;
pool.params.redistributeLosingStakes = redistributeLosingStakes;
pool.params.duration = duration;
pool.endTime = block.timestamp + duration; = poolIndex;
pool.callbackOnValidate = callbackOnValidate;
pool.callbackData = callbackData;
// We use our privilege as the DAO contract to mint reputation in proportion with the fee.
// Here we assume a minting ratio of 1
// TODO: Make minting ratio an adjustable parameter
_mint(, msg.value);
// Here we assume a stakeForAuthor ratio of 0.5
// TODO: Make stakeForAuthor an adjustable parameter
_stake(pool,, msg.value / 2, true, true);
_stake(pool,, msg.value / 2, false, true);
emit ValidationPoolInitiated(poolIndex);
/// Evaluate outcome of a validation pool
function evaluateOutcome(uint poolIndex) public returns (bool votePasses) {
ValidationPool storage pool = validationPools[poolIndex];
Post storage post = posts[pool.postIndex];
require(pool.resolved == false, "Pool is already resolved");
uint256 stakedFor;
uint256 stakedAgainst;
Stake storage s;
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
if (s.inFavor) {
stakedFor += s.amount;
} else {
stakedAgainst += s.amount;
// Special case for early evaluation if dao.totalSupply has been staked
block.timestamp > pool.endTime ||
stakedFor + stakedAgainst == totalSupply(),
"Pool end time has not yet arrived"
// Check that quorum is met
if (
pool.params.quorum[1] * (stakedFor + stakedAgainst) <=
totalSupply() * pool.params.quorum[0]
) {
// Refund fee
// TODO: this could be made available for the sender to withdraw
// payable(pool.sender).transfer(pool.fee);
// Refund stakes
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
_update(address(this), s.sender, s.amount);
pool.resolved = true;
emit ValidationPoolResolved(poolIndex, false, false);
// Callback if requested
if (pool.callbackOnValidate) {
return false;
// A tie is resolved in favor of the validation pool.
// This is especially important so that the DAO's first pool can pass,
// when no reputation has yet been minted.
votePasses =
stakedFor * pool.params.winRatio[1] >=
(stakedFor + stakedAgainst) * pool.params.winRatio[0];
if (votePasses && !isMember[]) {
members[memberCount++] =;
isMember[] = true;
pool.resolved = true;
pool.outcome = votePasses;
emit ValidationPoolResolved(poolIndex, votePasses, true);
// Value of losing stakes should be distributed among winners, in proportion to their stakes
uint256 amountFromWinners = votePasses ? stakedFor : stakedAgainst;
uint256 amountFromLosers = votePasses ? stakedAgainst : stakedFor;
// Only bindingPercent % should be redistributed
// Stake senders should get (100-bindingPercent) % back
uint256 totalAllocated;
for (uint i = 0; i < pool.stakeCount; i++) {
s = pool.stakes[i];
uint bindingPercent = s.fromMint ? 100 : pool.params.bindingPercent;
if (votePasses == s.inFavor) {
// Winning stake
// If this stake is from the minted fee, always redistribute it to the winners
bool redistributeLosingStakes = s.fromMint ||
uint reward = redistributeLosingStakes
? ((s.amount * amountFromLosers) / amountFromWinners) *
(bindingPercent / 100)
: 0;
_update(address(this), s.sender, s.amount + reward);
totalAllocated += reward;
} else {
// Losing stake
// If this stake is from the minted fee, don't burn it
if (!s.fromMint) {
uint refund = (s.amount * (100 - bindingPercent)) / 100;
if (refund > 0) {
_update(address(this), s.sender, refund);
if (!pool.params.redistributeLosingStakes) {
uint amountToBurn = (s.amount *
pool.params.bindingPercent) / 100;
_burn(address(this), amountToBurn);
totalAllocated += amountToBurn;
totalAllocated += refund;
// Due to rounding, there may be some REP left over. Include this as a reward to the author.
uint256 remainder = amountFromLosers - totalAllocated;
if (remainder > 0) {
_update(address(this),, remainder);
// Distribute fee proportionatly among all reputation holders
for (uint i = 0; i < memberCount; i++) {
address member = members[i];
uint256 share = (pool.fee * balanceOf(member)) / totalSupply();
// TODO: For efficiency this could be modified to hold the funds for recipients to withdraw
// TODO: Exclude encumbered reputation from totalSupply
// Callback if requested
if (pool.callbackOnValidate) {