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participant complainant as Complainant
participant contract as Disputed Contract
box Arbitration DAO
participant arbitration as Arbitration Contract
participant forum as Forum
participant bench as Bench
participant arbitrator as Arbitrator
participant arbitrators as Arbitration DAO Members
arbitrator ->> arbitration : Stake availability
complainant ->> contract : Initiate dispute
contract ->>+ arbitration : Transfer disputed funds
arbitration ->>+ arbitrator : Assign arbitrator
loop Resolution
arbitrator ->>+ forum : Post resolution
arbitrator ->> arbitration : Submit resolution
deactivate arbitrator
arbitration ->>+ bench : Initiate Validation Pool<br>Includes portion of disputed funds as fee
bench -->> forum : VP targets resolution post
arbitrators ->> bench : Stake for/against VP
alt VP passes, resolution favors complainant
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alt Disputed Contract Appeals
contract ->> arbitration : Submit an appeal (See Appeal Process, below)
else No Appeal
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arbitration ->> complainant : Transfer remaining disputed funds
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else VP passes, resolution favors disputed contract
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alt Complainant Appeals
complainant ->> arbitration : Submit an appeal (see Appeal Process, below)
else No Appeal
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arbitration ->> contract : Transfer remaining disputed funds
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else VP fails
arbitration ->> arbitrator : Assign new arbitrator
deactivate bench
end %% loop
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opt Appeal Process
arbitration ->>+ arbitrator : Assign reviewer
loop Resolution
arbitrator ->>+ forum : Post resolution
arbitrator ->> arbitration : Submit resolution
deactivate arbitrator
arbitration ->>+ bench : Initiate Validation Pool<br>Includes portion of disputed funds as fee
bench -->> forum : VP targets resolution post
arbitrators ->> bench : Stake for/against VP
alt VP passes, resolution favors complainant
arbitration ->> complainant : Transfer remaining disputed funds
else VP passes, resolution favors disputed contract
arbitration ->> contract : Transfer remaining disputed funds
else VP fails
arbitration ->> arbitrator : Assign new reviewer
end %% alt
end %% loop
end %% opt
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deactivate arbitration
deactivate forum