A DAO is a group of cooperating entities. If we're running our own network, it probably makes sense to consider nodes as the participants. If we're running as smart contracts, it probably makes sense to consider individual addresses as the participants. These schemes overlap, since both involve asymmetric keys. Each node must validate the work of the other nodes Our protocol will be a peer protocol, and will rely on signatures. Therefore we arrive at a requirement for nodes: they must be physically secured so that private keys are protected. We also arrive at a requirement for our network protocol: It must be possible to sign messages and verify message signatures against known public keys. The network protocol MAY support asking peers about other peers / telling other peers about peers. IF we support this IT SHALL BE linked with each node's reputation. CAN WE SAY that each node MUST maintain A VIEW of THE ENTIRE / (THE CURRENT) / (ALL / CURRENT) HASHES / MERKLE TREE / -- World state, History CAN WE GET AWAY WITH ONLY SAYING that each node maintains its own view. WHAT is our protocol for evaluating the perspectives offered by peers? - If one node perceives consensus among many others, that may sway their opinion. - There may be opportunity during "informal voting" / non-binding validation pools (low tokenLossRatio) to gather this sort of information. - If there is exact agreement, we have a very efficient case. - If there is the HOPE of exact agreement, mistakes and attacks can be costly - If there is an EXPECTATION of exact agreement, there must be externalities supporting that agreement, i.e. a common protocol and governance of that protocol. --- # Internal operations ## Expert starts new DAO ```mermaid graph subgraph EOA expert(Expert) end subgraph Contracts forum(Forum) pool(Pool) end expert -- Post --> forum expert -- Fee $ --> pool ``` ## Expert joins existing DAO ```mermaid graph subgraph EOA expert(Expert) peers(Peers) end subgraph Contracts forum(Forum) pool(Pool) end expert -- 1. Post --> forum expert -- 2. Fee $ --> pool peers -- 3. Stake ℝ<br />to approve --> pool ``` ## Expert submits governance post A governance post can be considered one that is respected in some way by the operations of the [Client/UI](./client-or-ui.md). This is a broad class of posts. Each type of governance post can be individually (or by category?) handled by the business contract for a given DAO. ```mermaid graph subgraph EOA expert(Expert) peers(Peers) end subgraph Contracts forum(Forum) pool(Pool) business(Business) end expert -- 1. Stake ℝ on<br />governance post --> business business -- 2. Post --> forum business -- 2. Fee $ from<br />internal fund? --> pool peers -- 3. Stake ℝ<br />to approve --> pool pool -- 4. Validate --> forum ``` Forum usage is open-ended. DAO protocol consists of core contracts + client behaviors. Core contracts provide resilience to attacks, since reputation minting is financially backed by future income Question: What does the DAO do with funds it receives? Awswer: Distributes the funds to members immediately upon resolution of the reputation effects of a funded validation pool. --- Before we delve into example use cases, we need to talk about the [Client/UI](./client-or-ui.md), and make sure we have a sound understanding of how client/ui behaviors interact with the core of the system. --- The forum, pool, business, and availability contracts all work together to express a single DAO. Each post in the forum can be its own new DAO What it would take for that to happen: The seed of the new DAO becomes the tokens minted by that post DAO when it receives fees. When will it receive fees? When submitted to its business contract interface. What happens then? Work is assigned via availability stakes. Meaning that someone has staked reputation. Meaning that they had previously been awarded reputation. The business contract, or the DAO, or the seed post, must be able to accept an initial fee to mint the reputation of the first expert. Then, that expert can stake their reputation on availability to perform the work expressed by the post and its associated business contract. These operations can be consolidated. When submitting a post to the forum, you may include an optional fee