We've considered implementing this validation pool + forum structure as smart contracts.
However, we expect that such contracts would be expensive to run, because the recursive algorithm for distributing reputation via the forum will incur a lot of computation, consuming a lot of gas.

Can we bake this reputation algorithm into the core protocol of our blockchain?

The structure seems to be similar to proof-of-stake. A big difference is that what is staked and awarded is reputation rather than currency.
The idea with reputation is that it entitles you to a proportional share of revenue earned by the network.
So what does that look like in this context?

Let's say we are extending Ethereum. ETH would continue to be the currency that users must spend in order to execute transactions.
So when a user wants to execute a transaction, they must pay a fee.
A portion of this fee could then be distributed to reputation holders.

- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/consensus-mechanisms/pos/
- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/nodes-and-clients/


execution client
execution gossip network

consensus client
consensus gossip network


cardano -- "dynamic availability"?
staking pools -- does it make sense with reputation?
what about for governance voting --
do we want a representative republic or a democracy?